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Health Matters with Paul Rosen

Apr 24, 2019

Tens of millions of Americans are considered obese by the Centers for Disease Control, and the number is growing.  What's going on?  Why are we getting so fat so quick?

One myth is that calories are the culprit.  Counting calories is NOT an effective way to lose weight.  In fact, focusing on calorie control can be...

Apr 16, 2019

If you're tired and in pain, if your head and body ache and you find it difficult to function, the thing to do is get some medical tests, right?  You can't fix a problem until you diagnose it.  

But what happens when the tests are no help?  What if they can't find anything wrong?  More problematically, what if the tests...

Apr 12, 2019

The first thing to know about any skin condition, large or small, eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, or any other, is that the cure isn't to be found in ointments or creams or anything else you may choose to apply to your body.

It's your diet that counts.  What you eat can help eliminate the skin conditions that may be...

Apr 12, 2019

At any point in your life, you may experience fatigue, mental fog, general pain and fading energy.  You may even reach a point where any of all of these symptoms sap your motivation to get up and get going every day, or they may incapacitate you entirely.

So what do you do?  If you've tried everything, and...